Round Songs
Grand Old Duke of York
- The grand old duke of York
- He had ten thousand men
- He marched them up to the top of the hill
- And he marched them down again
- And when they were up they were up
- And when they were down they were down
- And when they were only half-way up
- They were neither up nor down!
- Actions: Every time you sing the word "up", stand up. When you sing the word "down", sit down. On "half-way up", stand
up with knees bent. Repeat the song a number of times, getting faster. To totally confuse everyone, reverse the actions (e.g.
sit down on "up", stand up on "down"!)
Herman the Worm
- Sittin' on my fence post, chewing my bubblegum
- (chew, chew, chew, chew)
- Playin' with my yo-yo, wee-oo! wee-oo!
- When along came Herman the worm
- And he was this big (make a motion as if measuring a tiny worm)
- And I said: "Herman? What happened?"
- "I ate my Mother."
(repeat verse, with worm action getting larger and larger for each of the following lines:)
"I ate my Father."
- "I ate my Brother."
- "I ate my Sister."
- "I ate my Dog."
(repeat verse one last time, with a tiny worm action for:)
- "I burped."
Little Tommy Tinker
- Little Tommy Tinker
- Sat upon a clinker
- He began to cry:
- "Mom! Mom!"
- Poor little innocent guy.
- Note: A clinker is a hot ash or cinder. The fourth line is shouted loudly while you jump up and down for each "Mom!"
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
- My bonnie lies over the ocean
- My bonnie lies over the sea
- My bonnie lies over the ocean
- Oh, bring back my bonnie to me
Bring back, bring back,
- Bring back my bonnie to me, to me
- Bring back, bring back,
- Bring back my bonnie to me
- Actions: Start the song sitting down. On the first "B" in the song, stand up. At the next "B", sit down again. Repeat
throughout the song. Repeat the song a number of times, getting faster and faster!
- Extra verses:
- My Bonnie's complexion was makeup
- Her face, it was beauteous to see
- Until she got caught in a rainstorm
- Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me!
My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank
- The height of its contents to see
- I lighted a match to assist her
- Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me!
My Bonnie has tuberculosis
- My Bonnie has only one lung
- My Bonnie can cough up raw oysters
- And roll them around on her tongue!
My mother's an apple pie maker
- My father he fiddles for tin
- My sister scrubs floors for a living
- Oh boy, how the money rolls in.
Last night as I lay on my pillow
- Last night as I lay on my bed
- I stuck my feet out the window
- Next morning my neighbors were dead!
Peanut Butter
- Chorus:
- Peanut, peanut butter, jelly!
- Peanut, peanut butter, jelly!
- First you take the peanuts and you pick 'em, you pick 'em,
- You pick 'em, pick 'em, pick 'em
- Then you crush 'em, crush 'em,
- You crush 'em, crush 'em, crush 'em
- Then you spread 'em, spread 'em,
- You spread 'em, spread 'em, spread 'em...
Then you take the berries and you pick 'em, you pick 'em,
- You pick 'em, pick 'em, pick 'em
- Then you crush 'em, crush 'em,
- You crush 'em, crush 'em, crush 'em
- Then you spread 'em, spread 'em,
- You spread 'em, spread 'em, spread 'em...
- Pirate Ship
- (actions in brackets)
When I was one (hold up one finger) I sucked my thumb (suck your thumb)
- The day I went to sea, (make waves with a hand)
- I climbed aboard a pirate ship (climb an invisible ladder)
- And the Captain (salute) said to me,
- "We're going north, (stomp foot in front of you)
- South, (stomp foot behind you)
- East, (stomp foot to the left)
- West, (stomp foot to the right)
- And up the Irish sea, (two hands beside each other, palms facing out, make an "up" motion towards your head)
- A bottle of rum (drink from a bottle) to fill my tum (rub your belly)
- And that's the life for me!"
When I was two (hold up two fingers) I tied my shoe (tie your shoe)
- The day I went to sea, (make waves with a hand)
- I climbed aboard a pirate ship (climb an invisible ladder)
- And the Captain (salute) said to me,
- "We're going north, (stomp foot in front of you)
- South, (stomp foot behind you)
- East, (stomp foot to the left)
- West, (stomp foot to the right)
- And up the Irish sea, (two hands beside each other, palms facing out, make an "up" motion towards your head)
- A bottle of rum (drink from a bottle) to fill my tum (rub your belly)
- And that's the life for me!"
- Other Verses:
- Three: scraped my knee (brush your knee)
- Four: shut the door (shut an imaginary door)
- Five: did the jive (?) (do a little dance)
- Six: picked up sticks (pick up sticks)
- Seven: went to heaven (point upward, act 'angelic')
- Eight: closed the gate (close an imaginary gate)
- Nine: stood in line (?) (look impatient)
- Ten: did it again (look exasperated)
Singing Song
I'm singing, I'm singing,
- I'm just singing along.
- I'm just singing my singing song,
- I'm just singing along.
I'm walking, I'm walking,
- I'm just walking along.
- I'm just singing my walking song,
- I'm just walking along.
- Other verse ideas: skipping, dancing, swimming, hopping, swinging, etc. For each verse, do an appropriate action as
everyone slowly walks around the campfire.
- Slap! Slap! Slap! Mosquitoes are Biting
- (actions in brackets)
Slap! Slap! Slap! Mosquitoes are biting (slap your body for each "slap")
- Hey there fellows, I've got one (hold up one finger)
- And between my fingernails I will pinch his little tail (make squishing action with fingertips)
- 'Till he promises not to bite me on my thumb! (point to thumb)
Slap! Slap! Slap! Mosquitoes are biting (slap your body for each "slap")
- Hey there fellows, I've got two (hold up two fingers)
- And between my fingernails I will pinch their little tails (make squishing action with fingertips)
- 'Till they promise not to bite me on my shoe! (point to shoe)
Slap! Slap! Slap! Mosquitoes are biting (slap your body for each "slap")
- Hey there fellows, I've got three (hold up three fingers)
- And between my fingernails I will pinch their little tails (make squishing action with fingertips)
- 'Till they promise not to bite me on my knee! (point to knee)
Slap! Slap! Slap! Mosquitoes are biting (slap your body for each "slap")
- Hey there fellows, I've got four (hold up four fingers)
- And between my fingernails I will pinch their little tails (make squishing action with fingertips)
- 'Till they promise not to bite me anymore!
- Swimming
- (to the tune of "Sailing, Sailing, Over the Ocean Blue")
Swimming, swimming in my swimming-pool
- When days are hot when days are cold, in my swimming pool
- Breast-stroke, side-stroke, fancy diving too.
- Don't you wish you never had anything else to do, but....
- Actions:
- Swimming, swimming: swimming action
- In my swimming pool: trace outline of pool
- Days are hot: wipe hand across forehead
- Days are cold: shiver
- Breast-stroke: do the breaststroke
- Side-stroke: do the sidestroke
- Fancy diving: dive action
Repeat the song a number of times, leaving out each of the above lines one at a time but still doing the actions. The last
verse should be all actions and no singing!
- Three Sharp Tooth Buzzards
- (actions in brackets)
3 (hold up 3 fingers) sharp tooth (fingers curled up by mouth as teeth) buzzards (hunch shoulders,
look mean)
- 3 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions)
- 3 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions)
- Sitting on a dead tree (arms out as branches, head lolled to one side)
Oh LOOK (shade eyes with hand), One has flown A-way (point to the distance)
- What A Shame (one hand at forehead in a dramatic gesture)
2 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions as above, but hold up 2 fingers)...
- 1 sharp tooth buzzard (same actions as above but hold up 1 finger)...
- No sharp tooth buzzards (same actions, but shake finger "no" at "No")...
Oh, Look (shade eyes with hand), One has RE-turned (beckoning motion)
- Let us RE-Joice (arms up in joy)!
1 sharp tooth buzzard ...
- 2 sharp tooth buzzards ...
- 3 sharp tooth buzzards ...
- Waddle-ee-ocha, waddle-ee-ocha,
- Doodle-ee-doo, doodle-ee-doo,
- Waddle-ee-ocha, waddle-ee-ocha,
- Doodle-ee-doo, doodle-ee-doo!
It's the simplest song, there ain't much to it,
- All you've got to do is doodle-ee-doo it,
- I like the rest but the part I like best
- It goes: doodle-ee-doodle-ee-doo! Woo!
- Actions: For each pair of lines in the song, you fit the following actions:
- Slap hands on thighs twice
- Clap hands twice
- With arms in held in front of chest, shake left hand over right hand twice, then right hand over left twice
- Left hand holding your nose, right hand holding your left ear, then right hand holding your nose and left hand holding
your right ear, repeat
Yogi Bear
- I know someone you don't know
- Yogi, Yogi
- I know someone you don't know
- Yogi, Yogi Bear
- Yogi, Yogi Bear, Yogi, Yogi Bear
- I know someone you don't know
- Yogi, Yogi Bear
Yogi has a little friend
- Boo-boo, Boo-boo
- Yogi has a little friend
- Boo-boo, Boo-boo Bear
- Boo-boo, Boo-boo Bear, Boo-boo, Boo-boo Bear
- Yogi has a little friend
- Boo-boo, Boo-boo Bear
Yogi has a girlfriend too
- Cindy, Cindy
- Yogi has a girlfriend too
- Cindy, Cindy Bear
- Cindy, Cindy Bear, Cindy, Cindy Bear
- Yogi has a girlfriend too
- Cindy, Cindy Bear
They all have another friend
- Ranger, Ranger
- They all have another friend
- Ranger, Ranger Smith
- Ranger, Ranger Smith, Ranger, Ranger Smith
- They all have another friend
- Ranger, Ranger Smith
They all live in Jellystone
- Jelly, Jelly
- They all live in Jellystone
- Jelly, Jellystone
- Jelly, Jellystone, Jelly, Jellystone
- They all live in Jellystone
- Jelly, Jellystone
- Actions:
- Yogi: wave ars back and forth one either side of your head
- Boo-Boo: pat an invisible short person
- Cindy: one hand twirling in hair, other hand on hip
- Ranger Smith: make a finger gun, "shoot" people
- Jellystone: shake whole body